Wednesday, June 15, 2011

DIY Time-Lapse rig vol 1

Heres some photo's from the test circuit I have built on the bread board to control my stepper motor and camera. I'm going to build it into a smaller board and whack it in a project box when I've got my rig built.

Tested it with the moco software and the motor steps... awesome! 

Monday, June 13, 2011

DIY Time-Lapse rig.

Was watching this video on the Marshill Creative blog

and as a result took it upon myself to create a time lapse rig which tracks from left to right.

My plan is to update as I go and hopefully to come up with a tutorial that is a bit more assessable.  Than all the ones I have found on the web.

In my search I have come across some cool forums with tutorials etc which have helped quiet a bit in the whole process openmoco the major help.